AD&D Reference Guide

February 10, 2025

For personal use.

Inspired by Brian’s Channel, I wanted to make my own set of useful tables utilizing AD&D material, but with page references (as I am not as used to AD&D as he is!)

MM in brackets refers to a page in the Monster Manual.

Settlement Generation

d20 Settlement Population
1-5 Single Dwelling d12
6-8 Thorp 2d4*10
9-11 Hamlet d4*100
12-15 Village 600+d3*100
16-17 Town d6*10,000
18-20 Castle See Appendix C, p182-183

Then, determine government type (see p89 for details).

d100 Government Type
1 Autocracy
2 Bureaucracy
3 Confederacy
4 Democracy
5 Dictatorship
6 Geriatocracy
7 Gynarchy
8 Hierarchy
9 Magocracy
10 Matriarchy
11 Militocracy
12 Monarchy
13 Oligarchy
14 Pedocracy
15 Plutocracy
16 Republic
17 Theocracy
18 Syndicracy
19-100 Feudality

The rest of generation assumes a government type of Feudality, but can easily be modified to suit.

The settlement is ruled by a noble of Level d8+4 (derived from p192).

d100 Class
1-80 Fighter
81-100 Cleric

Determine followers, referencing Followers for Upper Level PCs, p16.

Also, roll (from p100):

Tavern Encounters

2+1d4 in villages, 3+1d6 in towns.
(1-in-6 chance of demihuman (p17))

d10 Encounter
1 Patron (see below)
2 Merchant (p192, p101 (Collections), MM69)
3 Adventurers (p17 (Table I/II), p225)
4 Pilgrim (p192, MM69)
5 Official (p191)
6 Foreigner
7-10 Men, General (see below)


  1. Adventurer (p17 (Table I/II), p225)
  2. Ruler (Noble, p192)
  3. Soldier/Mercenary
  4. Priest (p17 (Table I/II), clerics untrained in combat)
  5. Sage (p31)
  6. Magic-User (p17 (Table I/II), add +2 to level)
  7. Merchant (p192, p101 (Collections), MM69)
  8. Foreigner/Exile/Fugitive
  9. Noble (p192)
  10. Official (p191)

Men, General

1. Adventurers
Adventurers (p17 (Table I/II), p225)

2-4. General Occupations

  1. Alchemist (p29)
  2. Armorer (p29)
  3. Blacksmith (p30)
  4. Engineer (p30)
  5. Escapee/Fugitive
  6. Farmer/Gardener
  7. Hunter/Fisherman
  8. Jeweller (p30)
  9. Leather worker (p28)
  10. Mason (p28)/Woodworker
  11. Mercenary (p30)
  12. Miner (p31)
  13. Priest (p17 (Table I/II), clerics untrained in combat)
  14. Sage (p31)
  15. Spy (p34)
  16. Trapper
  17. Woodsman
  18. Woodsworker
  19. Navigator
  20. Insane/Madman (p83)

5-6. City/Town Encounters
Roll on p191 - City/Town Encounters Matrix.


3d6 Reaction
3- Very Negative
4-5 Negative
6-8 Uncertain, 4-in-6 chance of Negative
9-12 Neutral/Uninterested/Uncertain
13-15 Uncertain, 4-in-6 chance of Friendly
16-17 Friendly
18+ Very Friendly

±1 for tendency towards situation
±1 for personality towards situation
±4 for factional preference
±X for charisma modifier

In a combat situation, rolling again means waiting a combat round.


d66 Tendency d66 Tendency
11 Optimist 41 Cruel/Callous
12 Pessimist 42 Joker/Prankster
13 Hedonist 43 Servile/Obsequious
14 Altruist 44 Fanatical/Obsessive
15 Helpful/Kindly 45 Malevolent
16 Careless 46 Loquacious
21 Capricious/Mischievous 51 Honorable
22 Sober 52 Greedy
23 Curious/Inquisitive 53 Paranoid
24 Moody 54 Humble
25 Trusting 55 Vengeful
26 Suspicious/Cautious 56 Pious
31 Precise/Exacting 61 Brilliant/Sharp
32 Perceptive 62 Passionate
33 Opinionated/Contrary 63 Dreamer
34 Violent/Warlike 64 Artistic
35 Studious 65 Depraved*
36 Foul/Barbaric 66 Sadistic*

* If rolled, reroll - if 65/66 is rolled, keep the initial result, otherwise take the new result.


d6 Social Preference Personality
1-3 Average 1. Modest
2. Egoist/Arrogant
3. Friendly/Diplomatic
4. Aloof
5. Hostile/Abrasive
6. Well-Spoken
4-5 Extroverted 1. Forceful/Overbearing
2. Friendly
3. Blustering/Antagonistic
4. Rude
5. Rash
6. Diplomatic
6 Introverted 1. Solitary
2. Taciturn/Secretive
3. Friendly
4. Aloof
5. Hostile/Rude
6. Courteous

Useful Tables

p16 - Upper level character followers
p63 - Reaction Table
p100 - NPC generation
p102 - NPC reaction adjustments
p194 - Random Generation of Creatures